6 Ways to Make Animated Videos for Beginners

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Guest article provided by: explainerd.com

Today animated videos have a variety of different uses. In addition to entertainment, animated videos are also suitable for marketing or marketing approaches. Advertisements or messages for the audience are easy to convey if the animated video is interesting and easy for the audience to understand.

Many small business owners create animation videos for marketing purposes. However, of course animated explainer videos will give optimal results if the work is done with careful planning and proper production. 

Then, what are the steps that must be taken to make animated videos for beginners?


1. Brainstorming Process

The first thing you do when you create an animated video is brainstorm. Brainstorming is a method used to generate new ideas or ideas and stimulate the brain to think creatively. This is done to get an idea for the animated video that you will make.

The brainstorming process is also carried out to find answers to some basic questions, such as:

What themes and concepts will be featured in the animated video?

What is the purpose of the video and what is this animated video made for?

Who are the target viewers (audience) of the video that was made?

Brainstorming is usually done with a team to get new ideas that are creative and out of the box. In addition, the more ideas, the more choices that will be used for a single idea for an animated video to be created.


2. Writing Scripts

After determining the idea or idea for the animated video to be made, the next process is to create a script or script. The script serves to clarify the storyline and as a reference or benchmark to help the team understand the storyline of the animated video that will be made.

Messages or storylines from animated videos can be sequenced through the scripts made so that the animated videos produced will be directed, detailed, and detailed.

Scripts can also be interpreted as a series of flow of events which will be visualized in the next process (making a storyboard). So, besides that, how important is the script in making animated videos?

You and the team will easily find out the storyline of the animated video that will be made with a script or script. Illustrator will use the script you have created to estimate the duration of the video or dialogue that will be included in the animated video.


3. Creating Storyboards

After writing the script, the next step is to create a storyboard. Storyboard has the purpose of visualizing ideas that have been written in a script to make it easier to understand.

Storyboards are usually in the form of boxed sketches like comics to illustrate the storyline so that you and your team have the same view of the animated video that will be made.

In addition to scribbles, the storyboard component consists of several more in-depth details so that the making of this animated video is optimal.


4. Determining the Type of Animated Video

When creating an animated video, the type of animated video will affect the resulting video displayed. Some types of animated videos that are often used include:

Motion Graphics

Motion graphics is a visual media that displays graphics with movements in such a way using 2D or 3D animation techniques. Motion graphics are easy to understand when the use of animation is followed by data or statistics, lift, typography or characters, so this type of animated video is often used.


This animated video is set in a whiteboard or plain color background with each scene appearing as if it was drawn by hand. This animation is suitable for product explanations or a concept that is quite complicated because the use of hands to bring up the animation makes the audience automatically focus and listen to the animated video that is displayed.

Stop Motion

Stop motion is a technique of making animation from pieces of images which when combined will show a certain movement. These pieces are taken separately and combined into one animated video that is ready to be shown to the audience.


5. Making Animated Videos

Entering the core stage, video creation of animation will be made with reference to scripts, storyboards, and types of animation videos that have been done previously.

You can create animated videos using available software or use the services of an animated video maker.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on your animation video work so it doesn’t come out of the storyboard that has been done in order to get satisfactory results.


6. Background Music or Voice Over

Now! At the final stage, give your animated video the final touch by adding voice over or music for the background sound.

The choice of voice over or music depends on your needs. The addition of the two gives the impression of reality in the animated video that has been made. Also pay attention to the voice over or the added music to match the animated video you made.



That’s six ways to make animated videos for beginners, keep in mind that teamwork in making animated videos is also important.

Don’t let miscommunication cause your animated video to be less than optimal. Don’t forget to also choose colors that reflect the brand you have, so that the audience will find the characteristics of your brand. Good luck for your company’s growth!



Natasha Rei is the Digital Marketing Manager of Explainerd, an explainer video production agency. She ensures strategic goals are met by directing online and social media campaigns.


LinkedIn: Natasha Rei